Xtralife Clan of Hte Cloud Cloudbuild Login Updated FREE

Xtralife Clan of Hte Cloud Cloudbuild Login

Automate builds past using Deject Build

This page explains how to employ Cloud Build to automate builds.

Deject Build uses build triggers to enable CI/CD automations. You can configure triggers to heed for incoming events, such as when a new commit is pushed to a repository or when a pull request is initiated, and then automatically invoke a build when new events come in.

You will create a trigger and configure that trigger to invoke a build anytime yous push button a alter to a GitHub repository.

For step-by-stride guidance on this task directly in Cloud Shell Editor, click Guide me:

Guide me

The following sections accept you through the same steps equally clicking Guide me.

Earlier you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Deject account. If yous're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers too become $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Deject Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Brand certain that billing is enabled for your Cloud project. Acquire how to check if billing is enabled on a project.

  4. Enable the Deject Build API.

    Enable the API

  5. Install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI.
  6. In the Google Deject Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  7. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Cloud project. Larn how to check if billing is enabled on a projection.

  8. Enable the Deject Build API.

    Enable the API

  9. Install and initialize the Google Cloud CLI.
  10. If y'all don't accept 1 already, create an account on GitHub.

  11. If y'all accept 2-factor authentication set on GitHub, create a personal admission token to use in place of a GitHub countersign with the command line.

Fork and clone a sample GitHub repository

You lot'll need some sample source lawmaking to build. In this section, you'll clone an existing source repository containing a Hello World example in Go to your own GitHub user business relationship.
  1. If you don't have one already, create an account on GitHub.

  2. If you take two-factor authentication set up on GitHub, create a personal admission token to employ in place of a GitHub password with the control line.

  3. Fork the cloud-build-samples repository to your own GitHub account:

    1. Go to the Deject Build deject-build-samples repository.

    2. Click on the Fork icon on the tiptop-right corner of the page.

    3. Click on the GitHub user account y'all want to fork the repository to.

      You will automatically be redirected to the folio with your forked version of the cloud-build-samples repository.

  4. Open a last in your local environment.

  5. Clone the forked repository by running the following control, where GITHUB_USERNAME is the username for your GitHub account:

                    git clone https://github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME/cloud-build-samples.git              

Connect Cloud Build to your repository

To build source code on GitHub using triggers, you must showtime connect Cloud Build to your GitHub repository. In this section, yous'll connect your deject-build-samples repository to Cloud Build.
  1. In the Google Deject Console navigation menu, click Cloud Build > Triggers.

    Open Triggers page

  2. Select your project and click Open.

  3. Click Connect repository .

  4. Nether Select source, select GitHub (Cloud Build GitHub App) .

  5. Click Continue .

  6. Authenticate your GitHub account.

  7. In the Select repostory section, select the username of your GitHub account . If your username doesn't appear in the list:

    1. In the GitHub account list, click +Add together.

      Yous volition run into a popular-up to install the Cloud Build GitHub app.

    2. Click on your GitHub username.

    3. Click Just sure repositories to install the Deject Build GitHub app on certain repositories.

    4. On the drib-downwardly menu, select GITHUB_USERNAME/cloud-build-samples, where GITHUB_USERNAME is the username for your GitHub account.

    5. Click Install.

      Y'all may exist asked to enter the countersign associated with your GitHub account before proceeding.

    6. Post-obit the installation of the Cloud Build GitHub app, yous will now be able to see your username in the drop-downward menu on the GitHub account field. Select your username.

  8. Nether Repository , select GITHUB_USERNAME/cloud-build-samples as your repository.

  9. Click the checkmark to concord to terms and conditions for trigger connection.

  10. Click Connect .

  11. Click Done .

Yous will create a trigger in the next section.

Create a trigger

  1. Open the Triggers folio in the Google Cloud Panel:

    Open Triggers folio

  2. Select your project from the project selector drop-down menu at the peak of the page.

  3. Click Open up.

  4. On the Triggers page, click Create trigger .

  5. On the Create trigger folio, enter the following settings:

    • Name: Enter hello-world-trigger as the name of your trigger.

    • Event: Select Button to a branch as the repository event to invoke your trigger.

    • Source : Select the cloud-build-samples repository as your source, which contains your source code and your build config file.

    • Build Configuration: Choose Cloud Build configuration file as your build config file.

    • Cloud Build configuration file location : Specify the path to your Cloud Build configuration file equally quickstart-automate/cloudbuild.yaml.

  6. Click Create to salve your build trigger.

Commit a change

In this department, you will commit a alter to your cloned cloud-build-samples repository on your own GitHub account.

  1. In your last, navigate to the quickstart-automate directory:

                    cd lawmaking-examples/quickstart-automate              
  2. Open the chief.become file and update the line containing "Hi, world!" to "Hello, universe!"

                    package main            import (               "fmt"           )            func main() {               fmt.Println("Hello, universe!")           }              
  3. Review `cloudbuild.yaml`, which is the build configuration file used by Cloud Build. When a build is invoked with a trigger, the build pace in this file instructs Cloud Build to apply the golang image from Docker Hub to build and run the main.go file.

                    steps:          - name: golang            args: ['go', 'run', 'quickstart-automate/principal.go']              
  4. Navigate back to the root directory of your repository:

                    cd ..              
  5. Commit your changes to GitHub by running the following commands:

                                      git add quickstart-automate/primary.go     git commit -m "update text"     git button              

    Yous may exist prompted to enter your credentials when pushing code to your repository. If prompted, enter your username and password or an hallmark token.

Yous have now pushed a alter to your repository. Your push will consequence in an automatic build past your trigger.

View build details

In this section, yous will view the build details associated with your invoked build after committing a change.
  1. In the Google Deject Console navigation carte du jour, click Cloud Build > History.

    Open up the Deject Build folio

  2. Select your project and click Open.

    You will come across the Build history page:

    Screenshot of the build history page for automate

  3. In the Build column, click the proper name of a build.

  4. On the Build details page, click Build Artifacts .

    Y'all volition see an output similar to the following:

    Screenshot of build artifacts

  5. To view the build log, click the download icon and view the downloaded file.

You take successfully invoked a Cloud Build build using a trigger and viewed the build details.

Clean up

To avert incurring charges to your Google Cloud business relationship for the resources used on this folio, follow these steps.

  1. In the Google Cloud Console navigation card, click Cloud Build > Triggers.

    Open Triggers folio

  2. Select your projection and click Open.

  3. In the hello-earth-trigger row, click the Actions menu (vertical ellipses) located at the right end of the row.

  4. Select Delete.

Yous have at present deleted the trigger associated with your cloned repository.

What'due south adjacent

  • Learn how to create a basic build config file.
  • Acquire how to create and manage build triggers.

Xtralife Clan of Hte Cloud Cloudbuild Login


Source: https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/automate-builds

Posted by: mendenhallevervall42.blogspot.com
